Save time and money every day with Shopper! Shopper organizes shopping lists, suggests great recipe ideas and helps save with grocery coupons.
Easy to use Shopping Lists
Super quick and powerful for quick planning and shopping. Synced with our family and friends.
Discover web recipes, and share them with friends
Choose from 1000’s of web recipes, get recipe from friends, or create your own and share them. Cooking is more fun with friends!
Coupons & Savings
Grocery coupons from top brands and retailers, matched to your shopping list.
See what others are saying about shopper
User Testimonials
“This is the easiest and most convenient shopping list app out there! Best of all it is backed by an EXCELLENT customer support team!”
“Love keeping my shopping lists separated, for optimum use of my time! It’s easy to use and helps me organize all my shopping trips as not to forget something at the stores!”
“I am always amazed at the quick & friendly response I get from Shopper. Great app with great service! Definitely a WIN-WIN app!”