What’s New in Shopper iPhone
What’s New in Version 10.6.003
Apple Watch Support, enhance your shopping experience!
Shopper Color Themes, choose from one of 5 new color themes!
Bug fixes.
What’s New in Version 10.5.31
iOS8 Notes problem fixed
Minor bug fixes.
Become a Gold Member and join your fellow shoppers who help keep us strong! You’ll get all of Shopper’s features including messaging and ad control plus one day responses to your customer support requests. You also get first say on future improvements and exclusive access to those improvements! Get it from Settings/Purchases!
New for Gold Members today: Color-coded pricing for high/med/low prices between stores on your list items.
More soon!
What’s New in Version 10.5.29
Better contrast, sorry for the inconvenience!!!
Become a Gold Member and join your fellow shoppers who help keep us strong! You’ll get all of Shopper’s features including messaging and ad control plus one day responses to your customer support requests. You also get first say on future improvements and exclusive access to those improvements! Get it from Settings/Purchases!
New for Gold Members today: Color-coded pricing for high/med/low prices between stores on your list items.
More soon!
What’s New in Shopper 10.5.26
Fixed the problem where some users where not able to start the app.
40 small tweaks and bug fixes!
What’s New in Shopper Android
What’s New in Shopper Android v3.1.5
A fresh new look with better usability.
Bug fixes and small improvements.
What’s New in Shopper Android v3.1
A fresh new look with better usability.
Notes and quantity in emailed lists.
Barcode sync’ing.
Reduced battery usage.
Enhanced CS diagnostics.
More than 60 bug fixes.
What’s New in Shopper Android v3.0.7
Find dinner ideas in Shopper’s index of popular recipe sites or add your own.
Easily put recipe ingredients on your shopping list.
Check out recipes your friends like.
Shopping history and most frequent items in Reminders.
Order aisles for individual stores.
Let recipients delete items from shared lists.
Keep your device from going to sleep while shopping (in settings).
Over 30 bug fixes!